Friday, December 12, 2014

DP BBM Lucu Terbaru

DP BBM Lucu Terbaru - Saat ini gambar telah menjadi alat utk menyampaikan suatu pesan yg tidak mudah diungkapkan melalui kata-kata. Serta orang Indonesia ini memang pada kreatif. Mereka sering mengambil sebuah gambar atau foto setelah itu dengan sengaja memberi caption yg terkadang menggelikan. Yg sering diejek sekarang ini kebanyakan ialah para jomblo. Abdi sendiri jg kurang mengerti kenapa mereka mengejek para jomblo. Apakah memang sehina itu mereka?

Selain digunakan utk mengejek jomblo, sebuah gambar DP BBM terkadang juga digunakan utk memberikan kode kepada lawan jenis. Nah, yang ini biasanya sering digunakan bagi mereka yg masih malu-malu mengungkapkan perasaannya kepada cewek atau cowok yang disukai. Terkadang mereka sakit hati saat orang yang disukai dekat dengan org lain, lalu mereka membuat DP yang menyindir orang tersebut. Padahal sebenarnya dia nggak punya hak apapun, haha cinta memang rumit.

Tak cuma digunakan dalam urusan percintaan, terkadang gambar untuk DP juga biasanya digunakan untuk memotivasi para teman. Ya, contohnya ketika akan mengikuti UTS ataupun UAS biasanya mereka memberikan DP pada masa yg baik-baik. Mungkin ini gunanya, agar nanti orang yg dimaksud itu kepingin diajak kerjasama. Hehe.. nah berikut merupakan beberapa Kumpulan DP BBM Keren & Lucu Terkini yg abdi ambil dari instagram @dagelan . Instagram yg cukup sukses lantaran telah mempunyai banyak followers & di setiap popst yg mereka buat mempunyai komentar & like yang sangat banyak.






Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lenovo A316i

Beberapa waktu yg lalu pihak Lenovo sudah menggelontorkan smartphone terbarunya yg bernama Lenovo A316i, untuk harganya sendiri dibulan Mei 2014 harga smartphone itu masih berkisar Rp 999 ribuan. Meskipun menyasar pasar kelas Entry Level, Lenovo A316i tersebut gak dibekali dengan spesifikasi yang biasa-biasa saja, lantaran banyak yang mengulas bahwa spesifikasinya jg sudah lumayan utk kalangan kelas  bawah.

Untuk penampilan bagian luarnya sendiri, Lenovo A316i itu mempunyai penampilan sudut melengkung yang tak beda jauh dgn pendahulunya yaitu Lenovo A369i, kemudian utk casingnya sendiri terbuat dari material plastik yang menjadi bahan dasar dari casing tersebut.

Lenovo A316i dibekali panel layar berteknologi TFT Kapasitif dan mempunyai lebar layar 4  inci serta memiliki resolusi WVGA 480 x 800 piksel. Tak cuma itu, dibawah layar jg sudah disematkan tiga tombol kapasitif utk memudahkan pemakai dalam mengerjakan navigasi.

Untuk kinerja yang dibawanya juga dpt dibilang hampir sama dengan sang pendahulunya, dmn Lenovo A316i itu dibekali dgn prosesor dual core berkecepatan 1,3 GHz. Ngga hanya itu saja chipset yg digunakan yaitu MediaTek MT6572 & dikombinasikan dgn memori RAM sebesar 512MB. Performa yg dibawa itu juga telah dpt dibilang cukup utk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari.

Pada bagian kameranya sendiri, Lenovo A316i tersebut dibekali jg resolusi kamera sebesar 2 MP sayangnya tak dilengkapi dgn fitur LED Flash, bahkan kamera depanya juga gak disematkan. Dibagian dalamnya sendiri, Lenovo A316i itu dilengkapi dgn sistem operasi yang berjalan pada OS Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean dan membawa fitur Ideal Dekstop UI Khas Lenovo.

Untuk ruang gerak penyimpananya juga jangan kawatir, karna Lenovo A316i ini telah dibekali dengan memori internal sebesar 4 GB. Bila masih kurang tenang saja, karna masih dapat diperluas dgn tersematnya memori eksternal berupa microSD sampai 32 GB. Guna menunjang segala kebutuhan, Lenovo A316i itu sudah dibekali dengan konektivitas yg bisa dibilang cukup lengkap diantaranya ada GPS, WiFi, dual SIM, 3G HSPA, & Bluetooth.

Secara umum, smartphone Lenovo A316i ini penting untuk dipertimbangkan lantaran dengan biaya yg harga murah serta dibekali dgn spesifikasi fitur yg dapat dibilang cukup lumayan.

Sedangkan untuk root silahkan baca artikel mengenai Cara Root Lenovo A316i disini

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Spesifikasi Andromax G2 Limited Edition

Produk yg di keluarkan Smartfren mempunyai uraian yg lumayan tinggi, dapat tapi ponsel canggih itu di banderol bersama harga yg ekonomis. Sebagaimana dgn telephone seluler ini harga Smartfren Andromax G2 Limited Edition cuma di banderol kurang lebih 1 jutaan.

Bersama harga yg terbilang pass murah ini diperuntukan buat kastemer kelas menengah kebawah. Perincian Andromax G2 Limited Edition ini enggak kalah jauh dgn hp kelas tinggi yang lain & hp ini spesifikasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dgn uraian Andromax G2 keluaran perdana. Pasalnya Andromax G2 Limited Edition ini di ciptakan dgn ukuran monitor yg pass gede, ukuran layarnya ialah 480 x 854 pixels, 5.nol inches serta memakai type monitor IPS Capacitive Touchscreen. Sedangkan telepon selular ini mempunyai 2 varian warna yg dapat di pilih, ialah warna hitam serta putih.

Dapur pacu yg diperlukan buat mengoptimalkan kinerja dari system operasi yg di gunakannya, Android KitKat v.4.4 di lakukan dgn procesor yg mempunyai kecepatan 1.2 Ghz besutan dari Qualcomm Snapdragon dgn kategori procesor Quad core. Di samping itu pun terdapat memori RAM yg berukuran 512MB yg mempunyai fungsi yg sama bersama procesor dalam menunjang memaksimalkan kinerja yg di hasilkan & melancarkan proses dari sekian banyak penerapan yg di jalankannya.

Terkecuali itu datang perincian yang lain yg ditawarkan ponsel canggih harga 1 jutaan ini yg wajib di ketahui. Camera telephone seluler ini tersedia 2 yg mana camera penting andromax g2 Limited Edition mempunyai ukuran 5MP, 2592 x 1944 Pixels, yg beri dukungan pengambilan image memakai AutoFocus, LED Flash & mampu membuahkan Video. Sedangkan utk camera sekundernya mempunyai ukuran 1.3MP yg mampu dipakai buat membawa image selfie serta video call. Bersama ukuran camera yg pass gede tersebut pasti saja hasil yg di temukan bakal bagus kualitasnya serta ukuran image tentunya pula akbar. Maka dari itu Smartfren membekali dgn memori daya simpan yg cukup gede kapasitasnya.

Memori internal Andromax G2 Limited Edition berukuran 4GB yg di bagi jadi 1/2 buat menaruh data system & setengahnya dapat di pakai buat menaruh data pribadi. Sedangkan masihlah kurang pnyimpanan tersebut, maka di sediaka pun memori eksternal yg sanggup di memberi MicroSd bersama ukuran sampai 32GB. Sehingga tak butuh khawatir dalam daya simpan.

Fiture Smartfren Andromax G2 Limited Edition yang lain pula tersedia sama seperti halnya bersama telephone seluler pintar yang lain yg di bekali dgn fiture GPS, Music Player, Radio, Gambar Viewer, & ada banyak yang lain. Sedangkan utk kecepatan akses data dalam penggunaan pelayanan internet, Smartfren udah sediakan beraneka ragam macam pelayanan paket internet. Utk kecepatan akses data yg di memberi ke Andromax G2 limited Edition ini memakai jaringan EV-DO Rev. A, up to 3.1 Mbps.

Spesifikasinya Smartfren Andromax G2 Limited Edition
Jaringan 2G CDMA 800 / 1900, GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
Jaringan 3G CDMA2000 1xEV-DO
Jaringan 4G -
Monitor 480 x 854 pixels, 5.nol inches
Tipe monitor IPS Capacitive Touchscreen
Lain-lain - Sensors : Accelerometer, Proximity, Ambient light
– UL Cool life
Internal 4 GB / RAM 512MB
Slot MicroSD, up to 32 GB
Kecepatan EV-DO Rev. A, up to 3.1 Mbps
Wifi Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi hotspot
O.S. Android OS, v4.4(KitKat)
CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon, Quad core 1.2 Ghz
GPU Adreno 302
Pemeriksaan Accelerometer, Proximity, Ambient light
belakang 5MP, 2592 x 1944 Pixels, AutoFocus, LED Flash Video
Camera depan 1.3MP
GPS Yes, A-GPS support and GLONASS
Java Yes, via Java MIDP emulator
Feature lain - Music Player
– SNS Integration
– Organizer
– Gambar / Video Editor
– Document Editor / Viewer
– Google Search, Maps, Gmail
– YouTube, Google Talk
– Calendar
Baterai Tipe Lithium 2000 MAh
Siaga :
Berkata Aktif :
Harga Andromax G2 Limited Edition

Harga Smartfren Andromax G2 Limited Edition ini di banderol bersama harga Rp.1,099,000,-, buat harga secondnya dapat turun kira kira 200ribu sampai 400ribu dari harga aslinya. Begitu info yg dapat diberikan berkaitan review Smartfren Andromax G2 Limited Edition.

Friday, November 7, 2014

How To Put Movies On Iphone

If you own an Iphone, you've probably already worked out how much fun it is to use it to watch movies-it has that nice big screen, and the sound quality is surprisingly good too. Now imagine if you knew how to download Iphone movies without having to pay.

As you may imagine, downloading Iphone movies for free can be very difficult unless you know exactly how to do it – not only that but you can get yourself into some serious trouble if you download from the wrong place. Use the following guidelines to help you avoid any problems.

1-Take the time to find a site you can trust. Hopefully your downloading relationship with this website will be a long and fruitful one, so it makes good sense to pick a site you can live with. A good way to find a reputable site is to ask around, or maybe search on the internet for some reviews or customer points of view.

2- Always keep in mind that many websites will be falling over themselves trying to get you to visit them. What's more, many of them won't be too subtle about it, so you'll be faced with a million popups in some cases, and in most cases it can prove very difficult to negotiate your way out of there. Generally speaking, you are usually better off just steering clear of sites with lots of popups like that.

3-Forget about using the torrent sites, P2P sites or whatever they are called these days. There have been numerous famous sites like this over the years, with several being taken to court etc. The simple fact is that downloading from sites like this is completely against the law in most places. If you do insist on getting your free downloads from somewhere like this, please be sure to check all applicable laws for your area, as people really do go to jail for things like this. Is it worth jail to get the new Matt Damon?

4-The last tip for downloading Iphone movies is to get ready to pay. There are a few new sites around these days that will give you access to huge download databases, and totally free downloads, but not before you pay their admin fee. This fee usually gives you totally free downloads, and sometimes it lasts for your whole life too, so it's pretty good value. As with anything, there are good and bad sites like this, so it's definitely worhwhile for you to look around before you take the plunge.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Huawei Ascend

Today is the era of powerful smartphones. Gone are the days when we are contented with a single-core or extremely happy with a dual-core handset. We are now entering the powerful era of handsets equipped with quad-core processors. This is also the era where the latest and most powerful Android OS is born. I am talking about the Ice Cream Sandwich. You see, if you combine these two powerful ingredients together you will come out with a powerful and smart handset in the likes of the Samsung Galaxy S3 and the up and coming Huawei Ascend.

So as mentioned earlier, this handset runs under the latest Android OS the Ice Cream Sandwich. With this, you will get features in the likes of Face Unlock and smoother multi-tasking. You will also experience faster mobile phone performance like never before.
Aside from its newest and powerful Android OS, this handset is packed with a whopping Quad-Core processor which clocks at an amazing speed of 1.5GHz. It is basically just like using a desktop or computer. You will also experience graphics processing in lightning speed with this handset. And the good news simply doesn't end there. You will also get as much as 8GB ROM and 1GB worth of RAM on this handset. If that is not enough for you then add more memory storage via the phone's microSD card slot. Add as much as 32GB more of memory on this handset that spesification is not different with Spesifikasi Huawei Ascend P7.

Let us now talk about shutters. This handset is packed with an 8MP (3264 x 2448 pixels). You will also enjoy the phone's dual-LED flash. Take amazing and professional looking photos anytime and anywhere. If that is not enough, then I am sure that you will enjoy its video recording capability in full-HD (1080p) and at 30 frames per second. You see, you basically get more and enjoy more on this handset. You will also enjoy the phone's 1.3MP front-facing shutter (720 pixels). Name a time and date, and this device can always beat high-end mobile phones with front-facing VGA cameras only.
As you can see, this handset by Huawei is nothing but the real deal. Huawei may not be famous for software but when it comes to producing amazing hardware, you can definitely rely on them.
These are just some of the perks that you will enjoy from the real deal the Huawei Ascend D Quad XL.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tips On How To Purchase The Perfect Computer Privacy Filter

Whether traveling for company, using an Internet connection, or creating a task, functioning you from a laptop in public places is commonplace. It's furthermore commonplace to be aware of wandering eyes because they delicately peruse your personal info and invade your privacy. This are outfitted also to be an problem in a work atmosphere where a number of employees share a workspace.

Whether hunting above your shoulder or sitting beside you, no other people might have access for that personal details. Plenty of computer brands, work area providers, and pc accessory companies are actually offering a number of these screens. They are available in a number of dimensions and can even incorporate a Ultra violet filter. The screens are simple to set up of all any style of laptop or computer. They generally use clips or brackets to connect for use on your screen.

The primary factor you need to try to look for when locating a computer monitor privacy screen may be the top quality. You clearly won't want to locate a really cheap the one that can be either not likely to work or otherwise proceeding to last for quite some time. But simultaneously you ought to get only one that actually works. Fortunately for you, a year a very long time trying out several computer privacy screen and also have occur up using a listing of the correct one inside the best cost.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

About Drag Racing

The precondition for progressing in levels may be the strength in the car. It is vital to make sure that your car or truck is in good shape and that you understand the necessary security measures before you proceed. Many auto shops have opened specifically to focus on such needs.

While these trends are done mostly by modern car enthusiasts, car purists usually are stricter for the restoration process. There are techniques to aid against this happening, like taking more data points and averaging the results. Cheat Drag Racing By simply changing all of your cars fluids with a full synthetic oil, you'll improve on-track performance and save enough money over the course from the racing season to simply offset the higher initial valuation on them.

The author both races short course RC trucks and Pan cars as well as writes reviews around the Traxxas Slash 4x4 as well as other top RC cars and trucks you can purchase today on his webpage at We hope our article has provided you with a few easy to do tips and help take your hobby to your next level. Race across a German highway (the speediest on this planet), dodge other cars and do your very best self to stay alive. This is why we have been so enthusiastic to say the finding for the Ios Cheats For Drag Racing 4x4, that is seen running on the many iphone, ipad ios devices plus works well with android. • Beam—starting line electric eye controlling "pre-staged" and "staged" lights.

Coming up: the beginnings of Frank Hawley's Drag Racing School as well as the most satisfying thing Hawley has done. The timing system happens to be further sophisticated, now recording incremental times, total elapsed times, and average miles per hour. The movie American Graffiti would be a classic film not only launched several movie careers for Hollywood heroes like Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard and Harrison Ford. The engines used today have roots in the design Keith Black produced based on the Chrysler 426 Hemi that's made from 1964 to 1971.

The 2014 schedule kicks off together with the NHRA Winternationals at Auto Club Raceway at Pomona February 6th through 9th, ending at a similar track together with the NHRA Finals November 13th through 16th. Tamura prefers not to ever elaborate the problem further. Some forms of automobile racing include NASCAR, drag racing, endurance racing, Formula One, dirt, mud racing, midget racing, modified car racing together with rally races.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blackberry Info

Blackberry Info - An application for four differing os's needs just to be coded once and is particularly then cross compiled. Play - Book' tablet will have additional tools and options to enhance and expand their commercial opportunities. Kode Rahasia Blackberry Listed take a look at the instructions you should follow to unlock your Blackberry Torch 9860.

The fresh CSS Transitions panel helps designers to only apply property changes to page elements that happen to be CSS-based. The integration of every unique platform has an array of features, behaviors, and specific capabilities that you should thoroughly reviewed through the software development process. During such times, your Blackberry phone may be kept about the silent mode.

The Wireless Mode MUST BE OFF before performing the given SIM Unlock instructions to prevent causing the device from becoming defective. It isn't going to take much effort even by way of a novice hacker to implement malicious software accustomed to steal your usernames and passwords. Utmost emphasis emerged to create robust application with fool-proof quality assurance and maintenance.

But whether that suits you the weather or otherwise, you will need to dress appropriately. If you can not respond to these questions with certainty, look into the following tips. If your phone is voice activated, you may also command Google TV with the voice.

However the exact specification on the Android is truly a robot that's developed to seem and resemble humans. The entire means of blackberry unlocking service isn't evenly ideal and a few phones even though unlocking will lack functionality featuring previously furnished by the initial company. Turn Around Time Depending on your own network it usually takes an hour.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Camera Polaroid Instagram

The glove compartment familiar with house an important things, a flashlight, emergency money, as well as a collection of maps. The cameras created instant photography, next to the quality was extra unbeatable. Click the web link to find more details about you. For electronic minded people, they are able to scan their Polaroids pics, so as to manipulate their Polaroid images with by way of example Photoshop and place it for the web. In plain english, the images are just measurements, but this is not the image of what has occurred or once the individual is obvious.

The Polaroid Company is usually bringing back that old style Polaroid instantaneous image camera which has a new design, that will also work your polaroid 600 film. The latest sporting action cameras from film ar same to require bumps and knocks. However, if you take part inside the activities of swingers clubs, it is far better to take certain safety precautions given it involves having physical actions with strangers. And this photo art attracts many people simply because they like the realistic images portrayed as well because the interpretation with the photos, brought on by the manipulation from the image through graphic and digital design techniques. They either can circulate in the reception making the pictures and having the notes or you can setup a table for guests to see. Harga Kamera Polaroid Instagram  

it's additionally potentialy to utilize borders and frames for concerning every image. For details on milk glass as well as see some very nice photographs of milk glass, go to National Milk Glass Collectors Society website at Visit the galleries along with the convention auction sections. Some people believe if you see one Polaroid camera, youve seen them all. For the 1930s wedding theme idea, linen handkerchiefs for both individuals will add an excellent vintage touch. Once the correct photograph continues to be taken, graphic designers will then take the style and manipulate it in many different different ways to make different effects. The polaroid 600 films is usually costly which is the reason it is a wise decision to appear to get cheap Polarpid 600 film whenever possible. Straightforward polaroid camera Products Simplified Using your Android camera you can cause a insightful fantastic images on account of these two free great apps, FX Camera and Retro - Camera.

Then they study the image from the sticker about the photograph and calculate the factor instructed to convert the measurements on the face from the photograph to your measurements of actual face with the customer. Bring along a few props (a frisbee, a scarf, a hat, a paper airplane. The Polaroid 300 camera will features classic Polaroid instant film. Collecting antique Polaroid camera uses a lot of time. The happy couple will enjoy viewing the most recent photos.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Best Passwords

Best Passwords - No sane person would ever like someone else reading her email. Or for that matter some other person using her password and breaking into a financial institution. You should, therefore, choose a strong, secure password in such a manner that would be a hard nut to crack for others and easy for you to remember. The more random and mixed-up you make it, the harder it is for others to crack. Mind you, if your password is compromised, the password crackers will even take over your identity.

A password, if too short, is vulnerable to attack if an attacker gets hold of the cryptographic hash of the password. Present-day computers are fast enough to try all alphabetic passwords shorter than seven characters. We can call a password weak if it is short or is a default, or which can be rapidly guessed by searching a subset of all possible passwords such as words in the dictionary, proper names, words based on the user name or common variations on these themes.

On the other hand, a strong password would be sufficiently long, random, or which can be produced only by the user who chose it, so that 'guessing' for it will require too long a time.

For maximum security, the user should follow some simple guidelines:

1) Passwords should preferably be at least 8 characters long and not more than 14.

2) Passwords should contain a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters (%&3ac_ht4@m7).

3) Passwords should not contain a dictionary word from any dictionary, be it French, Spanish, medical, etc.

4) Each password should be different from the user's User-ID and any permutation of that User-ID.

5) New passwords and old passwords should differ by at least 3 characters.

6) Avoid picking names or nicknames of people, pets, or places, or personal information that can be easily found out, such as your birthday, address etc.

7) It’s wise to stay away from common keyboard sequences, such as dfgh678 or abc345 .

8) Never form a password by appending a digit to a word. That can be easily guessed.

9) Avoid writing your password down or storing it on your computer.

10) Never share your password with anyone else.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang

Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang - Ada aplikasi kamera tembus pandang android lho, pasti kamu gak menyangka kan? Aplikasi kamera ini memungkin kan kita utk melihat dengan menembus objek yang terhalang sesuatu seperti yg ada di Film di televisi. Dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa melihat isi suatu bungkusan, atau apa yg ada di dlm kantong, & lainnya. Tetapi ada jg yg memanfaatkan kamera tembus pandang utk melihat menembus pakaian seseorang. & hal ini tentu saja tidak diketahui org tsb.

Fakta Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang Android
Pada dasarya aplikasi kamera tembus pandang android yang membuat kamera android tembus pandang sampai saat ini memang gak ada. Tapi bukannya kamera ini tak mungkin utk dibuat. Kamera tembus pandang seperti sinar X atau X-ray mempunyai komponen kamera yang lebih kompleks. Jadi utk membuat kamera tembus pandang perlu dukungan Hardware kamera yg canggih dan beragam sensor yg mendukung. Di jepang telah ditemukan kamera tembus pandang buatan Terahertz. Kamera ini mampu menembus baju, kertas, serta berbagai objek tipis. Harganya juga tak murah. Karna itu kamera biasa android saja tidak akan mampu berjalan seperti kamera Tembus pandang yang sebenarnya.

Review serta Download Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang Android
Tak perlu kecewa, Kita dpt menggunakan aplikasi kamera tembus pandang di android yang palsu. Dgn aplikasi ini kita bisa menunjukkan ke teman atau orang sekita kita kalau kamera kami bisa melihat objek secara tembus pandang. Tentu saja aplikasi ini hanyalah bohongan ngga benar - benar tembus pandang. Ini dia aplikasi kamera tembus pandang android buat menjahili temen kamu.

Xray Scan
Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang android ini memungkinkan kita untuk menunjukkan scan seperti sinar X. Dengan aplikasi ini kami dapat mengelabuhi teman dengan meronsen tangan kita sendiri . Xray scan memang bukan aplikasi scan yg asli, cuma sebagai permainan.

Ultimate X-ray Scanner
Aplikasi kamera tembus pandang yg satu ini tdk cuma dapat menunjukkan scan tangan, tetapi sudah lebih lengkap dengan scan tulang rusuk. Tapi, sama dengan aplikasi diatas, aplikasi ini hanyalah aplikasi lelucon. Jadi X-ray Scanner sebenarnya tdk dpt menscan bagian tubuh kita. Tetapi cuma untuk menjahili teman. Dengan aplikasi ini hp kita dpt berfungsi seperti mesin Rontgen yang canggih itu.

Moosejaw X-RAY
Aplikasi yg menawarkan fitur kamera tembus pandang yang terakhir ialah Moosejaw X-Ray. Berbeda dengan aplikasi-aplikasi di atas yang bisa digunakan langsung ke org lain yang ada di dekat kita, aplikasi ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk memindai model pada katalog pakaian keluaran Moosejaw.

Untuk menggunakannya cukup buka aplikasi ini setelah itu arahkan pada model yang terdapat pada katalog Moosejaw tersebut. Setelah tersebut Kamu akn melihat model-model tersebut hanya mengenakan pakaian dlm saja di layar smartphone Anda.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Bagaimana Menambah Memory Internal Android

Bagaimana Menambah Memory Internal Android - Perangkat android sekarang ini memang banyak yg telah menggunakan memori internal dengan kapasitas 1 GB+ . Tetapi tak menutup kemungkinan masih ada yang merasa kurang puas dengan memori internal yang telah cukup besar itu. Karena banyaknya aplikasi yang beragam dari Google Play Store (sebutan utk gerai aplikasi dari android), memungkinkan banyak pemakai utk terus memenuhi kapasitas penyimpanan Memori nya dgn berbagai macam aplikasi yang menarik. Namun ada juga perangkat android yang bermodalkan memori internal < 1 GB seperti Samsung Galaxy Y (young), Samsung Galaxy Mini, Samsung Galaxy Gio, Samsung Galaxy Ace, dan beberapa perangkat yg memang sudah angkatan tua.

Secara logika, jika makin banyak pengguna melakukan penginstallan aplikasi maka makin bertambah penuh pula memori internal yg ada di perangkat androidnya. Oleh karena itu, banyak pengguna yg langsung menghapus beberapa aplikasi yang ada di perangkatnya lantaran hal itu. Sebenarnya, bila itu memang aplikasi yang cukup penting tak perlu lakukan hal tersebut karena kita dpt menambah Memori Internal dgn memanfaatkan Memori Eksternal kita. Hal ini juga berlaku utk tipe perangkat angkatan terdahulu yang memang kapasitas Memori Internalnya kurang dari 1 GB atau bahkan kurang dari 512 MB.

Permasalahan yang sering muncul pada perangkat android jadul adalah keterbatasan memori internal. Memori internalnya mungkin dalam kisaran beberapa mb saja. Memori internal yg kecil mungkin akn menyulitkan pemakai android jadul jika akn menginstal banyak aplikasi. Akn tetapi disinilah kelebihan OS android menurut saya. Dgn sedikit modifikasi perangkat android jadul anda dapat menginstal banyak aplikasi tanpa pusing memikirkan memori internal yg terbatas. Banyak Cara Menambah Memory Internal Android Modifikasi yg dimaksud adalah memanfaatkan aplikasi “LINK2SD”.

Bagaimana cara kerja link2sd? Aplikasi ini akn memindahkan aplikasi yg kami instal di luar aplikasi system (aplikasi yang di instal di partisi “data” memori internal) ke memori eksternal “SD Card” setelah itu membuat webpage link nya di partisi “data” memori internal. Dgn bahasa mudahnya : aplikasi yang kami instal sebenarnya ada pada Sd Card tapi secara system android aplikasi tersebut tetap terbaca dan tersimpan di partisi data memory internal. Jadi seolah-olah memori internal kami menjadi lebih besar padahal memang tidak kita gunakan sehingga “Free space”nya tetap besar.

Ok mari kami bahas step by stepnya. Sebelumnya kami mesti memenuhi syarat-syaratnya. Yaitu :
- Perangkat android hrs sudah dalam keadaan di Root. Bingung apa itu root android? Coba ke sini. Utk cara rootnya coba googling, soalnya kalau dibahas disini pagenya akn terlalu panjang.
- Kartu SD Card mesti sudah terpartisi jadi 2. Ingat…! Partisi pertama utk menyimpan file-file data layaknya sd card biasanya seperti buat nyimpan lagu, gambar, video, dst. Format partisi pertama merupakan Fat32. Partisi ke dua formatnya dpt memilih, dapat Fat32, ext2, ext3, atau Ext4. Partisi ke dua inilah yamg dipakai utk menyimpan aplikasi yang dipindahkan nantinya. Jadi ukuran partisi ke dua inilah yg disesuaikan, sisanya masukkan ke partisi pertama saja.
- Bakcup dulu semua data di sd card ke komputer laptop atau pc anda. Lantaran dalam proses partisi sd card nantinya akan dilakukan format sehingga semua data akan hilang.

Mari kami bahas cara mempartisi sd card terlebih dahulu. Proses ini dilakukan di komputer PC atau laptop.

1. Instal Software partisi “Mini Tool Partition Wizard” yg dapat di download di sini.
2. Setelah terinstal , buka sotwarenya. Harddisk dan sd card sampean akan terbaca
Lakukan penghapusan partisi sd card dengan mengeklik tombol delete setelah itu disusul tombol apply. Lihat panah 3a & 3b. Bila muncul pesan “Apply ending changes?” pilih “Yes” saja. Jika berhasil menghapus partisi akan muncul pesan “Apply all the pending changes successfully” setelah itu klik “ok” selain tersebut status dari sd card yg tadinya kapasitas 14,9 gb format Fat32 menjadi “Unallocated”
Setelah statusnya unallocated selekasnya buat partisi pertama yg ditujukan utk penyimpanan file data user seperti lagu, gambar, video, dsb dengan format Fat32. Klik tombol “Create” (4a)
Maka akn muncul dialog utk membuat partisi pertama. Untuk masalah ukuran sesuaikan dengan kapasitas sd card kamu dan keinginan anda sendiri. Ingat cara menentukan ukurannya gunakan fasilitas geser pada panah 4d. Setelah tersebut klik “ok”. Lanjutkan dengan mengeklik “Apply” seperti pada panah 3b.
5. Buat partisi ke dua untuk link2sd. Klik dulu pada Unallocated pada sd card.
Kemudian klik tobol “Create” seperti pada tombol 4a. Maka akan muncul dialog pembuatan partisi ke dua. Tapi sebelum dialog pembuatan partisi ke dua muncul ada pesan “The new created partition cannot be used in windows. Because windows could only recognize the first partition on a removable disk.” Klik “yes” saja.
Sekarang waktunya melakukan pemasangan sd card pada perangkat android & melakukan setting pada aplikasi link2sd.

1. Bila belum menginstal link2sd silakan instal dulu. Gw sarankan anda download langsung di Play store sehingga lw akan mendapatkan versi aplikasi yg paling baru. Saat tutorial ini dibuat versinya merupakan 2.4.4. Atau klik di sini. Sudah di instal? Lanjut ke langkah kedua.

2. Buka aplikasi link2sd. Pilih format system pada “Partisi ke dua”. Bila menggunakan ext2 maka pilih ext2 juga. Karna gw menggunakan format Fat32 maka gw pilih Fat32/Fat16. Jika sudah lakukan reboot pada perangkat android anda.
3. Jika langkah yg dilakukan sukses, setelah reboot buka aplikasi link2sd serta muncul keterangan versi aplikasi gambar “apa yang baru”. Utk lebih menyakinkan pilih option pada device lw setelah itu pilih info penyimpanan.
Agar setiap mengerjakan instalasi aplikasi baru atau pembaruan aplikasi yg telah terinstal otomatis dipindahkan ke sd card oleh link2sd lakukan pengaturan sebagai berikut, Pilih option, lalu pengaturan. Centang pada “Otomatis Link-kan” setelah itu pilih pengaturan auto link. Pastikan ke tiga opsi telah tercentang semua.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Apple Company Launches New Mobile Technology Gadget Iphone 5s

Apple Company Launches New Mobile Technology Gadget Iphone 5s - Celery mobile technologies organization great releases 1 new IPhone 5s in worldwide mobile marketplace in this 7 days 20th Fri, September 2013 in Singapore. And this mobile gadget is produces one type of attention in current customers. This mobile gadget may be the much more forward looking of 2new Apple IPhone gadgets. Apples cellular technology has been usually showing new innovative cellular technology computer programs as well as remarkable styles. So Apple cellular organization has busy the mobile marketplace king.

Apple Mobile Organization with these model given that 3 really spicy colours are Silver, Gold, Space grey, with same cup and aluminum body covering from the previous IPhone 5 series. But this mobile body with aluminium trimming provides the little extra bit of bling. Apple mobile showing with this cellular high level stuck with a Retina class 1,136x640 resolution panel. This really is unknown since its currently came out to identify the all individual pixels from an average watching distance. Still HD video is very good which picture clarity is excellent. Apple mobile energy button is always as always leading on mobile. And something most essential thing is audio jack port, Apple Organization presenting with the 3.5mm sound jack port with very high quality, the amount buttons and silence changes are still around the attributes and also the Lights connection is still found at the end.

 Digital camera Presentation:

 Apple Mobile technology providing superb digital camera within this mobile because the back digital camera censor is nearly around 15 % bigger than any prior any mobile designs and by itself uses the 1.5 micron p for also enhanced low level light shooting. And the f / 2.2 orifice is larger too, and its twin LED flash screen it's using for you can shoot in darkish conditions. Apple calls it True Tone, And one cool white expensive an additional digital camera emerald LED that is use for instantly adjusts and based on mild away light conditions for that finest photographs. Picture leveling and finest picture selections are both front and back automated. It's also eruption picture mode and 120fps changes with sluggish motion video footage a minimum of minimum 720p, combined with the new sifters present in iOS7.

 Apple IPhone 5S overall performance:

 Apple has advanced the A6 processor originates in the IPhone 5 to A7CPU. Consist of with 64-little bit chip, it's the advantage of the 64-bit form of Os 7. It Is useful for 40x faster in terms of Processor performance and 56x quicker for GPU tasks compared to unique Apple IPhone, and also run open up GL 3. video games like the Nexus 7 2013. Apple IPhone is matching by having an M7 Motion Company-processor chip which deals with using the accelerometer, width and gyroscope duties.
Cara Partisi SD Card Menggunakan Aparted - This company develop the GPS because individuals whether driving, walking and application developers can faucet to the combination of this. And much more benefit of it should still 3G or 4G manage for searching, as much as 250 hours of stand by on one cost. It facilitates using the LTE worldwide bands, ostensibly more than other smart phone mobiles on the planet, So Apple smartphone perceive the will little difficulty for purchasers with working on 4G networks on the planet.

 Apple IPhone 5s Finger marks checking performance:

 Very first time Apple expose the Finger print scanning device is convenient than pass rules. As much as until no one cellular organization launched these kinds of scanner move codes, in the cellular markets. This is the major advantage of Apple mobile organization.